About Us
The New Mexico Teen Court Associaton (NMTCA) is comprised of approximately 15 active program directors throughout the State of New Mexico. The association is governed by a board of officers elected from the participating Teen Courts.
The NMTCA meets three times a year with the primary focus of providing policies and procedures to be used for training and funding. The association also shares ideas and plans for an annual conference. The NMTCA helps each program to maintain credibility and continue working relationships with government funding and regulation agencies.
The NMTCA also provides policies and procedures and helps to equip juvenile justice agencies and communities with baseline information that will aid them in developing, implementing, and enhancing Teen Courts across New Mexico.
Teen Courts in New Mexico and nationwide share many of the same fundamental principles. However, the manner in which they function in their day-to-day operations can vary significantly from program to program. Program organizers and sponsors are encouraged to develop a process that responds to and fulfills the unique needs of their communities.
Click here to view our Bylaws.
Copyright 2022 - New Mexico Teen Court Association